Rental terms

Rental terms

Cancellation Policy/Change Policy

Any cancellation of car reservation within twenty five (25) days prior to your arrival is accepted with a full refund of the deposit.

In case of any cancellation within less than twenty five (25) days prior to your arrival, 30% of the total rental cost (deposit) is withheld with a right to use it within one year.

Change in time or date of the delivery of the car and type of car can be done within 48 hours prior to the lease or the change that will be done, subject to availability and always in cooperation with our company.

Basic Terms


All reservations refer to a vehicle type and not to a specific car model. In case there is no availability for a reservation that has already been registered, C.R.S Car Rental Paros has the right to upgrade vehicle type without any extra charge for the customer.


The minimum age limit shall be 23 years and for certain vehicle types 32 years.

The maximum age limit shall be 75 years.

Driving license

A valid driving license that was issued at least a year ago must be presented.

Non- EU citizens must present an international driving permit in addition to their regular driving license.

  • Tickets and fines for administrative offenses charge the lessee.


The lessee must present a credit card as a rental guarantee even if payment will be in cash.

  • Delivery and return of the car during non-operating hours are charged with 20€ extra.

Additional drivers

The charge for every additional driver is free.


The charge for the use of GPS is 5€ per day, on request of the lessee and subject to availability, with a maximum charge of 35€ per lease.

WIFI Mobile internet 4G

The charge for the Wifi mobile internet is 5€ per day, 1GB per day, on request of the lessee and subject to availability.

Baby seat

The first baby seat is free. The charge for the baby seat is 2€ per day, on request and subject to availability, with a maximum charge of 20€ per lease.

Fuel policy

The lessee must return the car with the same amount of fuel that it contained when it was delivered. If the lessee returns the car with less fuel than it contained when it was delivered, there will be a charge of 15€ for every 1/8 of fuel missing. There will not be a refund if the car is returned with more fuel than it contained when it was delivered.


In case of an accident the lessee must inform the company and the police directly and must present the record of the police concerning the accident. In case of an accident caused by our client's fault, the client is charged with 20€ for the expenses of the accident file management.

General Terms Of The Car Lease Agreement

  • With this agreement the company C.R.S Car Rental Paros, hereinafter C.R.S, leases to the undersigned lessee the car described in the present agreement (including any car that replaces it) according to the following terms and agreements and those mentioned on the front side that the lessee accepts entirely.
  • The lessee has received the car that looked and found of his absolute preference, in excellent condition and appropriate for the use and purpose for which he has signed this agreement. The lessee is obliged to return to C.R.S the car and all the documents, tools and accessories (spare tire, jack, tools, pharmacy, fire extinguisher, triangle, antenna) that are part of the car in the same situation as when it was delivered and at the time and place stated in the present agreement. Otherwise, and after the stated time of return, the lessee must submit to C.R.S the regular charge for compensation for use and compensation for every actual loss and loss of profit. After 60 minutes past the stated time of return of the vehicle, the lessee is charged with 1/4 of a rental day. In case the return of the car does not take place within four hours past the stated time, the lessee is charged with 100% of a rental day. C.R.S has the right to regain the possession and use of the car at any time without notice and without the consent of the lessee but in the lessee's cost from anywhere and by all means in any case that there is a risk of damage or loss of the car or risk of non receiving damages. In addition to this case, C.R.S has the right to regain the possession and use of the car if it is/was used in violation of terms of the present agreement or the determined lease term or the applicable legislation.
  • During the lease the lessee and anyone signing the present agreement must make good use of the car in consistence with its destination and the present agreement, lock and guard it by using the security systems and take the necessary measures in order to prevent theft or loss of its value in general. On the other side, C.R.S must check the cars' mechanical condition, the level of motor oil, water etc, the condition of the car tires and the traffic safety before the delivery of the car to each customer/lessee.
  • In case the lessee wants to extend the lease, the lessee must inform C.R.S in writing or by telephone at least 24 hours before the expiration of the lease in order to obtain a written authorization, subject to availability. If the lessee fails to do so, the lessee is subject to civil and criminal liability for illegal use and possession of the car.
  • The lessee must comply with the applicable traffic provisions of the Road Traffic Code and any other provision of the traffic police. If a fine is imposed for breaches of traffic provisions of the Road Traffic Code the sanction and the fine weigh only the lessee.
  • The lessee is forbidden to use the car in order to:

– Carry heavy objects

– Carry more people than it is licensed for

– Lease it to third parties

– Follow or participate in races of motor vehicles

– Grant it to other drivers that are not mentioned in the lease agreement.

  • Abuse of drugs, consumption of alcohol and any medication that affects driving is expressly and explicitly forbidden.
  • In case of an accident or another incident (fire, theft) the lessee or the additional driver is obliged:

– Not to accept fault or guilt and demands of third parties in any way, directly or indirectly

– To obtain the names and the addresses of the eyewitnesses and the name and the address of the driver and the details of the car that were involved in the accident

– To call the police in tel.100 in order to ascertain the fault of third parties and cure any existing injured people

– To contact immediately C.R.S by telephone or by other means in tel +302284300980 • to collect any information from any third part

– To take pictures of the place of the accident and the cars that were involved in the accident if it is possible.

  • The lessee is obliged to fill and sign a statement of accident/theft within 24 hours at the store of C.R.S and submit any documents or information relevant with the accident. In case of theft or loss of the car, the lessee must report it in writing in the nearest police authority within 12 hours.
  • The car can only be driven by the lessee or the additional driver that are stated in this agreement. All drivers shall be at least 23 years old and obtain a valid Greek, European or international driving license that was issued at least a year before the date of the lease.
  • The cost of the gasoline weighs the lessee. Only unleaded gasoline or diesel is used. In case the vehicle is returned with less fuel than it contained when it was delivered, the lessee is charged with 15€ for every 1/8 of fuel missing.
  • The regular maintenance of the cars is supplied by C.R.S . It is forbidden for the lessee to repair the car in case of damage. The car tires are replaced regularly due to normal wear and tear. Damage due to misuse of the car, such as tires destroyed from the pavement or potholes weigh the lessee.
  • It is forbidden to load the car on ships and transfer them outside the limits of the area Paros-Antiparos without the written approval of the lessor company. In these cases there is a charge for the special insurance coverage and a clause of five hundred (500)€.
  • It is forbidden to use the car in order to carry flammable materials, pollutants, drugs and anything else that is irrelevant with this agreement and to commit any illegal act. The violation of this term and the resulting damage weigh the lessee.
  • C.R.S has no responsibility for the loss of personal belongings of the lessee and of the people riding on the car during the lease.
  • The lessee agrees that C.R.S is not responsible for any actual loss or loss of profit suffered by the lessee or third parties during the lease and no claims can be brought against C.R.S for this reason.
  • The lessee consents to the detailed registration of his personal data in an electronic file maintained by C.R.S . It is expressly agreed that if the lessee makes false statements during the lease or violates the terms of this agreement C.R.S has the right to use this data and forward it to the country's authorities in case of suspicion of criminal or other offense. •Pets: Pets are not allowed except for specific occasions (guide dogs or service dogs) for which there must be a written approval from C.R.S .

Rental Car Experts Insurance

CDW (Collision Damage Waiver)

The lessee is covered for any damage caused in the car:

  • Over 650€ + VAT if the lessee accepts and signs the relevant contract terms for car types A, B, C
  • Over 800€ + VAT if the lessee accepts and signs the relevant contract terms for car types D, E, F
  • Over 950€ + VAT if the lessee accepts and signs the relevant contract terms for car types SUV, 7SEATER

Required condition: driving according to traffic provisions of the Road Traffic Code. The insurance does not cover damage on the tires, on the underside of the car, deterioration inside the car and loss or theft of personal belongings. Cost for accident file (20€) Fixed Compensation

ECDW (Extra Collision Damage Waiver)

The lessee is covered for any damage caused in the car:

  • Over 400€ + VAT if the lessee accepts and signs the relevant contract terms for car types A, B, C
  • Over 500€ + VAT if the lessee accepts and signs the relevant contract terms for car types D, E, F
  • Over 650€ + VAT if the lessee accepts and signs the relevant contract terms for car types SUV, 7SEATER

Required condition: driving according to traffic provisions of the Road Traffic Code. The insurance does not cover damages on the tires, the underside of the car, deterioration inside the car and loss or theft of personal belongings. Cost for accident file (20€) Fixed Compensation

SCDW- Super Collision Damage Waiver

The lessee is covered for any damage caused in the car:

  • Over 250€ +VAT if the lessee accepts and signs the relevant contract terms for car types A, B, C (33€ per day)
  • Over 350€ +VAT if the lessee accepts and signs the relevant contract terms for car types D, E, F (46€ per day)

Required condition: driving according to traffic provisions of the Road Traffic Code. The insurance does not cover damages on the tires, the underside of the car, deterioration inside the car and loss or theft of personal belongings. Cost for accident file (20€) Fixed Compensation


  • Damages of the interior of the car
  • Fines for infringements of the Road Traffic Code provisions
  • Mechanical damage caused by fault of the lessee
  • Damage of the underside of the car
  • Damages caused due to illegal use of the car or use that is not consistent with this agreement
  • Damages caused by driving on rough roads, beaches, forested areas, or other non-paved roads
  • Damages caused due to a driver not stated in the present agreement or a driver being under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Cost of accident file (20€) Fixed

Compensation due to Negligence/Deterioration/Destruction/Loss:

  • Vehicle key: Auto (simple) 120€ / Auto (with a button): 220€ / Moto: 65€
  • Baby seat 90€
  • Baby Booster 50€
  • Battery 130€
  • Antenna 25€
  • Alloy wheel rim 130€
  • Steel wheel rim 80€
  • Hubcaps 30€
  • Mirror (glass): 25€
  • Mirror (plastic case with a device) 90€
  • Mats 30€
  • Soiled seats/wallpaper 150€
  • Windscreen wiper 10€
  • Convertible tent 450€
  • Wi-Fi equipment 100€
  • GPS 100€

Other Terms

  • It is not possible to rent any vehicle for more than 100 days via
  • The car is always property of C.R.S . This is only a lease agreement. The lessee is not in any way and in any case representative of C.R.S . The lessee acknowledges not acquiring other rights expert for those specified in the agreement.
  • During the lease all of the additional drivers are jointly and integrally liable with the lessee.
  • This agreement supersedes any other prior written or oral agreement between C.R.S and the lessee.
  • C.R.S cannot waive its rights deriving from the applicable legislation and the present agreement
  • Any modification of the terms of the present agreement is invalid if it is not stated in writing
  • The lessee agrees and accepts that any charge resulting from the terms of this agreement can be done in his credit card whether it concerns the lease, the guarantee, or possible damage – compensation – extra service
  • The lessee agrees and accepts that all of the above mentioned terms are valid both for the initial lease agreement and for any possible extension of the lease agreement or replacement of the initially leased car by another one.
  • If there are differences between the copies and the original of this agreement, the original that is held by C.R.S must prevail.
  • The contracting parties acknowledge and accept all of the terms of the present agreement as essential and basic for its purposes.
  • The Greek legislation regulates this agreement and any dispute arising between C.R.S and this agreement submit to the jurisdiction of the Greek courts. By signing the present agreement it is expressly declared to C.R.S from me as the lessee driver of the car that I have read all of the above mentioned terms and conditions and I accept them without any reservations promising to adhere to them.

C.R.S Car Rental Services in Paros

VAT number.: 137543005

company CEO.: Nikolas Priftis

Head office address: Paros Piso Livadi P.C 84400

Phone.: +30 2284300980

cell phone: +30 6957773546

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